Mon Annniversaire
Each year I feel my birthday becomes more special..more warm..just because of such great people god has emailed me!!lolz..internet effect!
I love my birthdays.Everyone does, except those spiritual ones who say "Each day is my birthday"(comme mon pere who doesn’t himself remember his birthday, indifferent!)
And every normal person loves gifts.I am not the ones who says no, I don’t accept gifts, just your wishes would have been enough. I love gifts specially the ones which are personalized.
So here is a gist of some of the AWESOME(an understatement) gifts I got this year..
All in chronological order..
A CARD: that was by a friend in the college. I have a good collection of cards now. So I imagine myself one day getting all old n worn out and I will see the cards and be drown in the memories of my bachpan.
BOOKS: These ones were very special as they were in Hindi and by a friend who calls me "little girl". I have now thought/planned to read hindi literature, a break from Sidneys n Eric. N ya I got one in English as well, that was by a very humble uncle at British Council
FLOWERS: Oh man!!great fragrance ….I had them with me all the time in the evening. They were so pretty n girls always love flowers n moreover to be specific, roses!
A DUPATTA n A CARD: I just got this craze of wearing suits all the time and had a scarcity of dupattas so my intelligent friend thought of giving this beautiful gift. The card was good, wont say great cause it had me when i am 16 n happy and 18, old and wrinkled..And a frog on its cover saying that it resembles me. Though i still found it very cute..
NIA's gift: I cant describe this gift in one word. It was by one of my best friends..She is just one hell of a friend..Every birthday I get a letter from her which generally says how nice n sweet I m…J obviously I love that.Let me describe you this gift. It was in a jewellary box. Had a serene beautiful set of pearl earings+a letter+a cassette+some ghungrus+a candle+a green stone+ cheque which entitles me to a "lifetime of loyalty, love, friendship and support".That was so sweet but one of my silly friends kind of ruined it a little by putting some food over it. And justification? It will remind me of the fun I had on the treat..ha!!! So the cassette has been SPECIALLY recorded for me which includes my friend’s advices and suggestions, basically Rjing exclusively for me and John Denver’s songs.
A CAKE: This was made by a 12yr friend..i certainly felt ashamed as I don’t know much cooking and this girl knows everything !!!!N I know for sure that this being ashamed of myself will not at all inspire me to learn cooking..will need some special kind of force/inspiration for that and ya also time, busy people you see.

ANOTHER CAKE: Sent by another friend but I couldn’t eat it. Guess Why? Here is it’s photo.
CANDLE: I am wondering whether I can actually use it as a candle or not. It is one of those which has fruity fruity smell, very nice indeed.
LADY’S PURSE: This is quite contrary to what a friend calls me, little girl. Little girl got a purse. Last year i got 3 such purses!My friends surely think that I am getting richie rich. Mom is eyeing on this gift, I have to keep it safe. Liked the colour and quality a lot.
And how could i forget so many smses and calls!Its one day when you feel so Important!n Busy!
Lastly, a gift is awaited to be given by my parents, will take a month from now I guess. Very Excited about that!
congrats again for your b'day
well reading it makes me feel how lucky you are that you have friends like me(and may be some others also ha ha haa hahahaha)
well it will be years or may be many births before i even become eligible for such gifts.
well ab birthday ho to riju jaisa
getting gifts just excites me as much as you
but meri to phati padi hai college me bahut laat ghoonse padne wale hai hope they hit me nicely
well be good with your mother and allow her to use my gift if she wants i would feel extra nice with that as she deserves it more than you
you see i am a baniya so i give gifts which are useful for one and everyone in the house
i seriously hope that you liked my gift actually i am bad with imagination so it is unlikely to get a personalised gift from me. sorry for being repititive
i firstly hope that you live a very long life to attend many and many more happy birthdays in your life and i hope you get many more of such good gifts from more nicer people.
Thats stupid to say that u become eligible..bakwaas!
hope u get lots of pitai from ur seniors, from sachin n sanket sir..lolz.
i wont give my gift to mom at any cost. u be baniya!
n dont be sorry!it was a very good gift...:)
u knw wat riju..??? i m gettin jealous of u on readin yeh wala post...lolz,but u must be very happy,coz thats wat u wntd us 2 be,rite????
how true mayank!!!thanks a lot for being there..n precisely yes thats how wanted my bday to be..perfect coz i have great friends n unfortunately u being one of them
Hey! where m i in da whole picture?? Description of ur b'day widout da diner v had???
ooops!!How could i forget that!!!!sho shorry..will make the amendments..but i did mention flowers..:)
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