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Friday, March 28, 2008


There are two categories of people in this world; first consists of those who believe in doing something, who evolve themselves over time, the second category includes those who are mere spectators in life, who spend their life discussing about the first category. Latter class is very interesting. They discuss what is the latest mirch-masala news on TV, what Mr.A is doing, what they ate last night, basically infinite meaningless accounting of what is happening in their “vivid” life. If they happen to be more “intellectually” inclined then they would have their own set of discussions which often are mere attempts to show how well they understand some author/movie/drama etc. (has to be “artistic”).

There are abundant channels to reinforce such character in a person. They will cater to your dead grey cells so that you don’t have to make any efforts to understand what is happening, however, as long as you don’t have to make those cells working you are cool about it.

Who is to be blamed, what is to be done?
I am not sure about it. In introspection I think the second breed has the easiest path to flow though the destination will ever remain hazy. Being the easiest, it has the highest demand. But it is the first one on which I desire to be on, always.